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  • Writer's pictureTatiana Zelentsova

Course book or authentic materials?


In my practice I have tried both approaches and can say that I feel a little more comfortable with the courseboooks. In my opinion, they provide a solid foundation that is easy "to stand on". And from there it's up to the teacher to see how much of a textbook they want to use in their lessons. I have also noticed ( and my students say the same) they like to have an actual book so they can go back at any time and refresh themselves on the material they have already learnt and maybe sometimes to get an idea of what's waiting ahead! 

For me it's always a combination - a good, structured course book and some extra materials like videos, audio recordings, excerpts from the popular shows or interviews with famous people. And, of course, making sure we catering to the individual learning students' styles and needs. It's definitely not necessary to follow each topic and exercise in the book but if the majority of it is still relevant, I would say - definitely use it, it can save your lot of time and effort!

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