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  • Writer's pictureTatiana Zelentsova

Teaching Reflections - Lesson 2

Teaching Reflections - Lesson 2

Topic - Speaking Assessment

My class instructor warm-ups usually start with the same routine and today I had to follow them. The teacher and students usually discuss some news about Edmonton or Canada. Then the class talks about the weather - the students talk about today’s weather, look at the weather forecast for this or next week and say which days will be coldest/warmest. That is the routine that students seem to enjoy doing. I believe that helps them feel up to date with the current events in their province/country.

If I could do today’s lesson warm-up differently, I would ask them to write one sentence in the shared notes about their children or friends - what they like/don’t like doing. This would help the students to revise the material from the previous lesson and prepare them for the coming assessment.

I am feeling a bit more comfortable with the platform and digital tools. One of the students tells me she doesn’t know how to write on the whiteboard. I first decide to share my screen, but then realize she won’t be able to see the toolbar. So I follow my class teacher’s suggestion - if you can’t explain something with words, try using your body language. So I showed the student my hand (sign from the toolbar) and she understood it!

I am starting to notice that a couple of students look very sleepy and tired. I have to talk to my class instructor and see what is the best way to work with such students. I first want to find out if they work night shifts or have babies/small children they have to take care of. My class instructor says sometimes it’s better to be direct with them, so she calls them during the lesson if they are not active during the class.

Link to the lesson plan is here

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