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  • Writer's pictureTatiana Zelentsova

Teaching Reflections - Lesson 3

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

Lesson 3 - Teaching Reflections

Topic - Possessive Adjectives

Today was my third lesson, and I was teaching possessive adjectives. Overall, I think the lesson went very well. I am feeling more confident with the platform, and it made the lesson more enjoyable both for me and my students.

One thing I have learned today is that I need to reconsider how much time I give students to complete the activities. It takes a bit longer when I ask 8 students to write their answers as everybody’s speed is different. Also, it takes time to correct the mistakes they make when writing.

These are the things my class teacher said she liked about my lesson today:

  • I greeted my students in a friendly manner; noticed and greeted those who came late

  • When one of my students had a technical issue (her voice was breaking up), I asked her to write the answer and asked another student to speak

  • I was constantly checking if the students were following me by asking them to give me a “thumbs up”

  • I used a poll in my lesson, which was followed by a meaningful discussion, and that increased students’ engagement. I asked one of the students to read the results of the poll.

  • Error correction - I was following my class instructor and wasn’t targeting every mistake, only the heavier ones. I corrected the pronunciation mistakes while working with the whole class.

Things I want to improve for my next lesson:

  1. Try not to give them the correct answer. FInd out what the students know already and then teach them the rules.

  2. How can we involve more people in the activity? Instead of asking just one student, can we ask all of the students to write their answers in the shared notes?

  3. Don’t forget to write the main rules ( new vocabulary etc) in the shared notes, so students can always refer to them?

Please find the link to the lesson plan here

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